
Title Distracted PDF eBook
Author James M. Lang
Publisher Basic Books
Pages 304
Release 2020-10-20
Genre Education
ISBN 1541699815

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Keeping students focused can be difficult in a world filled with distractions -- which is why a renowned educator created a scientific solution to one of every teacher's biggest problems. Why is it so hard to get students to pay attention? Conventional wisdom blames iPhones, insisting that access to technology has ruined students' ability to focus. The logical response is to ban electronics in class. But acclaimed educator James M. Lang argues that this solution obscures a deeper problem: how we teach is often at odds with how students learn. Classrooms are designed to force students into long periods of intense focus, but emerging science reveals that the brain is wired for distraction. We learn best when able to actively seek and synthesize new information. In Distracted, Lang rethinks the practice of teaching, revealing how educators can structure their classrooms less as distraction-free zones and more as environments where they can actively cultivate their students' attention. Brimming with ideas and grounded in new research, Distracted offers an innovative plan for the most important lesson of all: how to learn.


Title Distracted PDF eBook
Author Marilyn Woods
Publisher Independently Published
Pages 0
Release 2022-09-30

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Do you wish you could pay more attention and stop getting distracted? If so, you're not on your own. Do you find it easy to stay focused and pay attention, or does your mind tend to drift? Do you quickly start to think about something else, like a snack or the news, or daydream? Do the constant beeps and notifications from your phone or the sound of your siblings arguing in the background make it hard for you to concentrate? In short, do you think about everything other than what you're supposed to be doing? This is the right book for you A Harvard study from 2010 found that the average person's mind wanders 47% of the time. This means that nearly half of the time you're doing one thing, you're thinking about something else. With so many distractions, it's not surprising that people are finding it hard to concentrate. Why can't we focus? Focus is important because our lives are always busy and often overwhelming. Finding focus is also getting harder and harder. When you're up to your eyeballs at work and find yourself getting lost in social media or binge-watching YouTube, you might ask yourself, "Why can't I just focus?" The problem with distraction and trying to focus is, you know what you need to do, but you can't bring yourself to do it and you know what you want to accomplish, but you don't know how to get there. Technology is taking up too much of our time and focus The way we use technology is changing us as people and causing damage in all parts of our lives. Digital distractions are all around us, so it's easy to point the finger at them. The world is a confusing place, full of shapes and colors, sounds and smells that constantly stimulate our senses. Numerous psychological studies demonstrate that the use of technology, switching between tasks, and overstimulation have all contributed to higher levels of distraction in the classroom. Distraction is frequently blamed for poor performance and misbehavior at school. Distractions make it harder to concentrate on specific, assigned tasks. Digital learning tools are a new kind of distraction in the classroom. Guardians, teachers, students, and academics all have views about how technology is affecting a student's ability to concentrate in a classroom. Once we have a good understanding of the problem, we can turn our attention to practical ways to improve our ability to pay attention. Distraction is the shifting of a person's or a group's focus away from the selected object of attention and toward the source of distraction When we struggle to focus, it's simple to point the finger at technological interference or a lack of self-discipline, but a lot of it is biologically based.

Super Courses

Super Courses
Title Super Courses PDF eBook
Author Ken Bain
Publisher Princeton University Press
Pages 298
Release 2021-03-09
Genre Education
ISBN 0691185468

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"An exploration of some of the most intriguing college teachers' pedagogy, challenging traditional learning environments"--

The Wandering Mind: What Medieval Monks Tell Us About Distraction

The Wandering Mind: What Medieval Monks Tell Us About Distraction
Title The Wandering Mind: What Medieval Monks Tell Us About Distraction PDF eBook
Author Jamie Kreiner
Publisher Liveright Publishing
Pages 253
Release 2023-01-03
Genre History
ISBN 1631498061

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A revelatory account of how Christian monks identified distraction as a fundamental challenge—and how their efforts to defeat it can inform ours, more than a millennium later. The digital era is beset by distraction, and it feels like things are only getting worse. At times like these, the distant past beckons as a golden age of attention. We fantasize about escaping our screens. We dream of recapturing the quiet of a world with less noise. We imagine retreating into solitude and singlemindedness, almost like latter-day monks. But although we think of early monks as master concentrators, a life of mindfulness did not, in fact, come to them easily. As historian Jamie Kreiner demonstrates in The Wandering Mind, their attempts to stretch the mind out to God—to continuously contemplate the divine order and its ethical requirements—were all-consuming, and their battles against distraction were never-ending. Delving into the experiences of early Christian monks living in the Middle East, around the Mediterranean, and throughout Europe from 300 to 900 CE, Kreiner shows that these men and women were obsessed with distraction in ways that seem remarkably modern. At the same time, she suggests that our own obsession is remarkably medieval. Ancient Greek and Roman intellectuals had sometimes complained about distraction, but it was early Christian monks who waged an all-out war against it. The stakes could not have been higher: they saw distraction as a matter of life and death. Even though the world today is vastly different from the world of the early Middle Ages, we can still learn something about our own distractedness by looking closely at monks’ strenuous efforts to concentrate. Drawing on a trove of sources that the monks left behind, Kreiner reconstructs the techniques they devised in their lifelong quest to master their minds—from regimented work schedules and elaborative metacognitive exercises to physical regimens for hygiene, sleep, sex, and diet. She captures the fleeting moments of pure attentiveness that some monks managed to grasp, and the many times when monks struggled and failed and went back to the drawing board. Blending history and psychology, The Wandering Mind is a witty, illuminating account of human fallibility and ingenuity that bridges a distant era and our own.

New Teacher Mindset

New Teacher Mindset
Title New Teacher Mindset PDF eBook
Author Trevor Muir
Publisher John Wiley & Sons
Pages 279
Release 2024-06-21
Genre Education
ISBN 1394210094

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A refreshing and hopeful guide to help new and veteran teachers thrive in our ever-changing world New Teacher Mindset is all about creating successful systems, practices, and protocols that make sense for today's teachers. To be the best teacher you can be, you need to understand how new technologies and a changing societal landscape have altered the needs of students—and how to modify your teaching approach accordingly. This book gives you a fresh take on topics like classroom management, project-based learning, group collaboration, increasing buy-in, and partnering with parents. The book is research-backed and provides concrete practices that have proven effective in real world classrooms. Each chapter includes a story to illustrate the topic of the chapter, followed by strategies, research, and practical activities that you can implement immediately to refresh your mindset and your classroom. Get fresh, modern ideas for elevating your classroom and teaching style Build on traditional teaching practices with new techniques designed for today's fast-paced, tech-driven world Use practical activities and reader reflection questions to transform your practice right away Learn how to revitalize your teaching by focusing on the classroom as a whole, the individual student, and the teacher This is an invaluable resource for K-12 educators and others working in the K-12 setting, all of whom need to learn to adapt and adjust to the constant shifting of the outside world. New Teacher Mindset is a roadmap for doing just that.

What Is It About Me You Can't Teach?

What Is It About Me You Can't Teach?
Title What Is It About Me You Can't Teach? PDF eBook
Author Eleanor Renee Rodriguez
Publisher Corwin Press
Pages 257
Release 2006-06-21
Genre Education
ISBN 1483334112

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This second edition provides strategies to increase student engagement, develop cognitive skills, and empower students to take responsibility for their own learning.


Publisher Habso Mohamud
Release 2021-01-30
Genre Education


Are you a culturally-aware educator? Do you have a vague sense that things in the world are changing and that your classrooms and schools are becoming increasingly diverse? Classrooms in the US today. contain students with more varied experiences. Challenges like language barriers, child abuse, poverty, and living in an increasingly dangerous world have led to a surge in mental illness among children and teens of all backgrounds. The book delves into these issues with a positive attitude and specific advice on how you can tackle the real problems your students are dealing with nearly every day. Many of these problems interfere with the educational process, leaving those who have them with increasing despair, low self-esteem, and a high risk of failing in school. As an educator, you are in a unique position to have a profound effect on the educational and personal outcomes for those marginalized in the classroom because they are culturally different from you and others, mentally ill, or just “different”. As you read this book, you will see the problems that many marginalized students must cope with while also finding practical ways and the inspiration to understand what it now takes to be the best educator you can be for every student!