Experience and Education

Experience and Education
Title Experience and Education PDF eBook
Pages 0
Release 2024
ISBN 9789395638821

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Education, Experience and Existence

Education, Experience and Existence
Title Education, Experience and Existence PDF eBook
Author John Quay
Publisher Routledge
Pages 268
Release 2013-07-18
Genre Education
ISBN 1135969973

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Education, Experience and Existence proposes a new way of understanding education that delves beneath the conflict, confusion and compromise that characterize its long history. At the heart of this new understanding is what John Dewey strove to expound: a coherent theory of experience. Dewey’s reputation as a pragmatist is well known, but where experience is concerned pragmatism is only half the story. The other half is phenomenological, as crafted by Martin Heidegger. Encompassing both is Charles Sanders Peirce, whose philosophy draws pragmatism and phenomenology together in an embrace which enables a truly experiential philosophy to emerge. The book approaches the problem of confusion in education and philosophy by beginning with our most basic understandings of existence. Existence as an interaction is the starting point of modern science, and existence as individuality offers an aesthetic origin, attending to existence as a simple unity. In our contemporary world where scientific ways of thinking are privileged, the aesthetic whole is often overlooked, especially in education. Yet both are connected. A coherent theory of experience is therefore a marriage between phenomenology and pragmatism, enabling each to maintain its position by acknowledging how both are required. The book is divided into three main parts: - confusion in philosophy and education - a coherent theory of experience - a coherent theory of education. Quay suggests that education benefits from such a coherent theory of experience by better comprehending its connection to life. More than just knowing, more than just doing, education is about being. This book will be of interest to philosophers, educators and educational philosophers.

Using Experience For Learning

Using Experience For Learning
Title Using Experience For Learning PDF eBook
Author Boud, David
Publisher McGraw-Hill Education (UK)
Pages 202
Release 1993-10-01
Genre Education
ISBN 0335190952

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What are the key ideas that underpin learning from experience? How do we learn from experience? How does context and purpose influence learning? How does experience impact on individual and group learning? How can we help others to learn from their experience? "Using Experience for Learning" reflects current interest in the importance of experience in informal and formal learning, whether it be applied for course credit, new forms of learning in the workplace, or acknowledging autonomous learning outside educational institutions. It also emphasizes the role of personal experience in learning: ideas are not separate from experience; relationships and personal interests impact on learning; and emotions have a vital part to play in intellectual learning. All the contributors write themselves into their chapters, giving an autobiographical account of how their experiences have influenced their learning and what has led them to their current views and practice. "Using Experience for Learning" brings together a wide range of perspectives and conceptual frameworks with contributors from four continents, and should be a valuable addition to the field of experiential learning.

Learning Online

Learning Online
Title Learning Online PDF eBook
Author George Veletsianos
Publisher JHU Press
Pages 185
Release 2020-05-19
Genre Education
ISBN 1421438100

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What's it really like to learn online?Learning Online: The Student Experience Online learning is ubiquitous for millions of students worldwide, yet our understanding of student experiences in online learning settings is limited. The geographic distance that separates faculty from students in an online environment is its signature feature, but it is also one that risks widening the gulf between teachers and learners. In Learning Online, George Veletsianos argues that in order to critique, understand, and improve online learning, we must examine it through the lens of student experience. Approaching the topic with stories that elicit empathy, compassion, and care, Veletsianos relays the diverse day-to-day experiences of online learners. Each in-depth chapter follows a single learner's experience while focusing on an important or noteworthy aspect of online learning, tackling everything from demographics, attrition, motivation, and loneliness to cheating, openness, flexibility, social media, and digital divides. Veletsianos also draws on these case studies to offer recommendations for the future and lessons learned. The elusive nature of online learners' experiences, the book reveals, is a problem because it prevents us from doing better: from designing more effective online courses, from making evidence-informed decisions about online education, and from coming to our work with the full sense of empathy that our students deserve. Writing in an evocative, accessible, and concise manner, Veletsianos concretely demonstrates why it is so important to pay closer attention to the stories of students—who may have instructive and insightful ideas about the future of education.

Aesthetic Experience in Science Education

Aesthetic Experience in Science Education
Title Aesthetic Experience in Science Education PDF eBook
Author Per-Olof Wickman
Publisher Routledge
Pages 202
Release 2006-04-21
Genre Education
ISBN 1135602026

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Ths bk examines the role of aesthetic experience in learning science&in science education from the perspective of knowlecge as action&language use,based on the writings of John Dewey&Ludwig Wittgenstein.It offers a novel contribution to the current debat

Key Concepts in Early Childhood Education and Care

Key Concepts in Early Childhood Education and Care
Title Key Concepts in Early Childhood Education and Care PDF eBook
Author Cathy Nutbrown
Publisher SAGE
Pages 193
Release 2011-01-18
Genre Education
ISBN 1446210189

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This new edition of Cathy Nutbrown′s much loved book explains the key ideas and issues in Early Childhood clearly and concisely, keeping students up-to-date with the latest developments in the field. There are brand new entries on: - Attachment - Babies′ learning and development - Children′s Centres - Citizenship - Digital Technologies - Early Years Foundation Stage - Early Years Professional Status - Neuroscience - Sexualities The rest of the book has also been thoroughly updated and revised, and includes coverage of heuristic play, Early Literacy Development and Parental Involvement. The book offers starting points which provide a clear focus, further reading and discussion of research on thirty-five key topics. It is a must for students following courses in early childhood education and care. Professor Cathy Nutbrown directs and teaches on Masters and Doctoral programmes in Early Childhood Education at the University of Sheffield.

Student Achievement Through Staff Development

Student Achievement Through Staff Development
Title Student Achievement Through Staff Development PDF eBook
Author Bruce R. Joyce
Publisher Longman Publishing Group
Pages 190
Release 1988-01-01
Genre Academic achievement
ISBN 9780582284098

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Describes the development of a comprehensive system for the support of educational personnel.