Play to Their Strengths

Play to Their Strengths
Title Play to Their Strengths PDF eBook
Author Brandon Miller
Publisher Harvest House Publishers
Pages 226
Release 2019-06-04
Genre Religion
ISBN 0736976175

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Bring Out the Best in Your Children How can a good parent like you become an even greater parent? By shifting the focus to what’s right with your kids instead of what is wrong with them. Discover how you can replace your frustration with joy by taking the pressure of performance and comparison off your children’s shoulders. Based in the belief that every child has God-given greatness within them, Play to Their Strengths shows you how to move with the natural momentum of your kids’ talents and make the shift to a collaborative, strengths-based, and motivational approach to parenting. You’ll see the powerful results of this shift in your children’s shining eyes—and your own. The unique Playbook in the back of the book equips you to put into practice the ideas in each chapter. Answer questions and engage in activities with your spouse and kids to uncover talent and discover greatness. The Playbook makes great advice personal as you apply it to the specific family dynamics in your home. Now is the perfect time to experience a fresh fascination with your children and uncover the hidden gem inside each of them.

Play to Your Strengths

Play to Your Strengths
Title Play to Your Strengths PDF eBook
Author Donald O. Clifton
Pages 152
Release 1993
Genre Success in business

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Play to Your Strengths: Managing Your Company's Internal Labor Markets for Lasting Competitive Advantage

Play to Your Strengths: Managing Your Company's Internal Labor Markets for Lasting Competitive Advantage
Title Play to Your Strengths: Managing Your Company's Internal Labor Markets for Lasting Competitive Advantage PDF eBook
Author Haig R. Nalbantian
Publisher McGraw Hill Professional
Pages 300
Release 2003-10-03
Genre Business & Economics
ISBN 9780071422536

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The breakthrough approach for aligning people with strategy for higher profits.

Go Put Your Strengths to Work

Go Put Your Strengths to Work
Title Go Put Your Strengths to Work PDF eBook
Author Marcus Buckingham
Publisher Simon and Schuster
Pages 288
Release 2010-12-28
Genre Business & Economics
ISBN 0743261682

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Strengths movement founder Marcus Buckingham answers the ultimate question: How can you actually apply your strengths for maximum success at work?

Now, Discover Your Strengths

Now, Discover Your Strengths
Title Now, Discover Your Strengths PDF eBook
Author Marcus Buckingham
Publisher Simon and Schuster
Pages 280
Release 2001-01-29
Genre Business & Economics
ISBN 0743201140

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The 20th anniversary edition of Now, Discover Your Strengths comes with an access code to the Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessment. This updated assessment includes reports and resources that go far beyond the standardized reports of the older assessment by providing you with personalized insight statements unique to your specific combination of strengths. The original publication of Now, Discover Your Strengths in 2001 launched a worldwide strengths revolution. To date, more than 20 million people have discovered their strengths, and tens of thousands more are discovering theirs every week. Gallup Press has published numerous strengths-based books, and Gallup Strengths Center has become a worldwide destination for strengths-based development. Since the book's release, Gallup has continued to dedicate countless hours to developing our strengths science, the brainchild of the late Dr. Donald O. Clifton, who was named Father of Strengths-Based Psychology by the American Psychological Association. Part of that investment resulted in Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0 -- a refined upgrade of the original assessment for discovering your strengths. To ensure that you have the best possible experience in discovering and developing your strengths, we have made Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0 available to those who purchase the 20th anniversary edition of Now, Discover Your Strengths. The updated assessment includes new reports and resources, including the Strengths Insight and Action-Planning Guide. This guide goes far beyond the standardized reports of the older assessment by providing you with personalized insight statements unique to your specific combination of strengths. These highly customized Strengths Insights are an in-depth analysis of your top five strengths. They describe who you are in astonishing detail and provide you with a comprehensive understanding of yourself, your strengths and what makes you stand out. These updated resources, in combination with the 20th anniversary edition of Now, Discover Your Strengths, give you the best opportunity to soar with your strengths -- at work and in your life.

Build an A-Team

Build an A-Team
Title Build an A-Team PDF eBook
Author Whitney Johnson
Publisher Harvard Business Press
Pages 208
Release 2018-05-01
Genre Business & Economics
ISBN 1633693651

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Lead each person on your team up the learning curve. What's the secret to having an engaged and productive team? It's having a plan for developing all employees--no matter where they are on their personal learning curves. Better morale and higher performance happen through learning, argues Whitney Johnson. In over twenty years of coaching, investing, and consulting, Johnson has seen that employees need continuous learning and fresh challenges to stay motivated. The best bosses know this, and they know how to make it happen by thoughtfully designing people’s jobs around the skills they have today as well as the skills they'll need to be even more valuable tomorrow. That's how entire organizations stay competitive in an unpredictable, rapidly changing business environment. In this book, Johnson explains how to become one of those bosses and how to build your A-team by: Identifying what your employees already know and what they need to learn Designing their jobs to maximize engagement and learning Applying a seven-step process for leading each person up their learning curve We all want opportunities to learn, experiment, and grow in our jobs. When our bosses work with us to help us leap to new challenges, the result is a team that knows how to thrive, no matter what the future holds.

Incredible Parent

Incredible Parent
Title Incredible Parent PDF eBook
Author Brandon Miller
Publisher Harvest House Publishers
Pages 178
Release 2021-01-08
Genre Family & Relationships
ISBN 0736981705

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Strong Moms and Super Dads Wanted If you’re reading this, chances are you are already a good parent. How can you take the next step from good to incredible? By shifting your focus to what you do well as a parent instead of dwelling on your weaknesses. Inside you’ll discover how to get a special online access code to the groundbreaking IncredibleParent strengths assessment, a powerful tool to help you identify your core strengths as a parent. Using the practical advice and proven strategies in the book, you can grow and leverage those areas of strength to bring joy and success to your daily parenting interactions. This innovative strengths-based, intentional approach to child raising will make you more confident, aware, and energized as a parent, allowing you the freedom to do what you do well and bring out the best in your kids.