Earth in Mind

Earth in Mind
Title Earth in Mind PDF eBook
Author David W. Orr
Pages 228
Release 1994
Genre Education

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In Earth in Mind, noted environmental educator David W. Orr focuses not on problems in education, but on the problem of education. Much of what has gone wrong with the world, he argues, is the result of inadequate and misdirected education that: alienates us from life in the name of human domination causes students to worry about how to make a living before they know who they are overemphasizes success and careers separates feeling from intellect and the practical from the theoretical deadens the sense of wonder for the created world The crisis we face, Orr explains, is one of mind, perception, and values. It is, first and foremost, an educational challenge.The author begins by establishing the grounds for a debate about education and knowledge. He describes the problems of education from an ecological perspective, and challenges the terrible simplifiers who wish to substitute numbers for values. He follows with a presentation of principles for re-creating education in the broadest way possible, discussing topics such as biophilia, the disciplinary structure of knowledge, the architecture of educational buildings, and the idea of ecological intelligence. Orr concludes by presenting concrete proposals for reorganizing the curriculum to draw out our affinity for life.

A Pedagogy of Place

A Pedagogy of Place
Title A Pedagogy of Place PDF eBook
Author Brian Wattchow
Publisher Monash University Publishing
Pages 244
Release 2011-02-01
Genre Education
ISBN 0980651247

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A Pedagogy of Place offers an alternative vision for outdoor education practice. This timely book calls into question some of the underlying assumptions and ‘truths’ about outdoor education, putting forward alternatives to current practice that are responsive to local conditions and cultural traditions. In this renewal of outdoor education philosophy and practice, the emphasis is upon responding to, and empathising with, the outdoors as particular places, rich in local meaning and significance. Current outdoor education theory and practice is influenced by cultural ideas about risk and adventure, and by psychological theories of personal and social development. However, in recent decades the professional discourse of outdoor education has made a noticeable shift to include education for the ‘environment’ and ‘nature’. This has resulted in a mismatch between theory and practice: traditional notions of proving oneself ‘against’ the challenges of the outdoors are antithetical to the development of an empathetic relationship with outdoor places, which growing concern with today’s environment demands. This book is the first of its kind to articulate a renewal of philosophy and practice for outdoor education that is in keeping with the educational needs of today’s young people as they grapple with considerable social and ecological changes in a rapidly changing world. The authors draw extensively on international, national and local literature and provide compelling case studies drawn from the Australian and New Zealand contexts.

Ecological Literacy

Ecological Literacy
Title Ecological Literacy PDF eBook
Author Michael K. Stone
Pages 0
Release 2005
Genre Ecology
ISBN 9781578051533

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A network of educational reformers reports on projects that are equipping today's children with the tools of ecological consciousness and systems thinking that will help humankind live more sustainably on the Earth tomorrow.

Subversive Spiritualities

Subversive Spiritualities
Title Subversive Spiritualities PDF eBook
Author Frederique Apffel-Marglin
Publisher Oxford University Press
Pages 264
Release 2011-11-15
Genre Religion
ISBN 0199912475

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In this book, Frederique Apffel-Marglin draws on a lifetime of work with the indigenous peoples of Peru and India to support her argument that the beliefs, values, and practices of such traditional peoples are ''eco-metaphysically true.''

The Nature of Design

The Nature of Design
Title The Nature of Design PDF eBook
Author David W. Orr
Publisher Oxford University Press, USA
Pages 248
Release 2002
Genre Architecture
ISBN 0195173686

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An integrative vision of the role of design in our interaction and relationship with nature.

Teaching Climate Change to Adolescents

Teaching Climate Change to Adolescents
Title Teaching Climate Change to Adolescents PDF eBook
Author Richard Beach
Publisher Routledge
Pages 203
Release 2017-05-25
Genre Education
ISBN 1351995952

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CO-PUBLISHED BY ROUTLEDGE AND THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF ENGLISH Teaching Climate Change to Adolescents is THE essential resource for middle and high school English language arts teachers to help their students understand and address the urgent issues and challenges facing life on Earth today. Classroom activities written and used by teachers show students posing questions, engaging in argumentative reading and writing and critical analysis, interpreting portrayals of climate change in literature and media, and adopting advocacy stances to promote change. The book illustrates climate change fitting into existing courses using already available materials and gives teachers tools and teaching ideas to support building this into their own classrooms. A variety of teacher and student voices makes for an appealing, fast-paced, and inspiring read. Visit the website for this book for additional information and links. All royalties from the sale of this book are donated to Alliance for Climate Education.

Compass and Gyroscope

Compass and Gyroscope
Title Compass and Gyroscope PDF eBook
Author Kai N. Lee
Pages 262
Release 1993-06
Genre Business & Economics

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Using the Columbia River Basin in the Pacific Northwest as a case study, Kai Lee describes the concept and practice of "adaptive management," as he examines the successes and failures of past and present management experiences. Throughout the book, the author delves deeply into the theoretical framework behind the real-world experience, exploring how theories of science, politics, and cognitive psychology can be integrated into environmental management plans to increase their effectiveness.