Enriching the Brain

Enriching the Brain
Title Enriching the Brain PDF eBook
Author Eric Jensen
Publisher John Wiley & Sons
Pages 348
Release 2009-05-18
Genre Education
ISBN 0470490241

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Eric Jensen—a leading expert in the translation of brain research into education, argues in Enriching the Brain that we greatly underestimate students’ achievement capacity. Drawing from a wide range of neuroscience research as well as related studies, Jensen reveals that the human brain is far more dynamic and malleable than we earlier believed. He offers us a powerful new understanding of how the brain can be “enriched,” across the board to maximize learning, memory, behavior and overall function. The bottom line is we have far more to do with how our children’s brains turn out than we previously thought. Enriching the Brain shows that lasting brain enrichment doesn’t occur randomly through routine or ordinary learning. It requires a specific, and persistent experiences that amount to a “formula” for maximizing brain potential. Parents, teachers and policy-makers would do well to memorize this formula. In fact, the lifelong potential of all school age kids depends on whether or not we use it. Offering an inspiring and innovative set of practices for promoting enrichment in the home, the school, and the classroom, this book is a clarion call. All of us, from teachers to parents to policymakers must take their role as ‘brain shapers’ much more seriously and this book gives the tools with which to do it.

Brain-Powered Strategies to Engage All Learners

Brain-Powered Strategies to Engage All Learners
Title Brain-Powered Strategies to Engage All Learners PDF eBook
Author LaVonna Roth
Publisher Teacher Created Materials
Pages 346
Release 2011-07-15
Genre Education
ISBN 1425894380

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Benefit from current brain research in a practical, strategy-based approach which provides insight to how students learn most effectively. Brain-based and engaging strategies are included that incorporate movement, kinesthetic learning, organization and graphic organizers, brainstorms and critical thinking, and writing. The included lessons are provided for grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8 and are aligned with Bloom's Taxonomy. Digital resources are also included containing reproducible teacher resource materials and student activity pages. This resource is correlated to the Common Core and other state standards and is aligned to the interdisciplinary themes from the Partnership for 21st Century Skills.

Brain-Powered Lessons to Engage All Learners Level 2

Brain-Powered Lessons to Engage All Learners Level 2
Title Brain-Powered Lessons to Engage All Learners Level 2 PDF eBook
Author LaVonna Roth
Publisher Teacher Created Materials
Pages 160
Release 2014-06-01
Genre Education
ISBN 1425895557

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Activate your second graders' brains and jumpstart learning with interactive, level-appropriate lessons across all content areas! Brain-Powered Lessons to Engage All Learners is a valuable teacher resource that provides necessary research and background information, including easy tips on how to fire up the brain. With strategies that range from incorporating movement and brainstorming to developing kinesthetic learning and content that includes folktales, graphing, and using scientific tools, your second graders will dive into an engaging and motivating learning experience that includes formative assessments to evaluate student understanding after each lesson.

What Every Teacher Should Know About Diverse Learners

What Every Teacher Should Know About Diverse Learners
Title What Every Teacher Should Know About Diverse Learners PDF eBook
Author Donna Walker Tileston
Publisher Corwin Press
Pages 121
Release 2010-06-04
Genre Education
ISBN 1412971756

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Exploring brain-compatible teaching strategies, six signs of bias to avoid, and how culture affects learning styles, this rich collection of materials provides a root cause analysis of why so many students are failing in America's public schools (Mary Reeve, Director, Services for Exceptional Students).

The Handbook of Educational Theories

The Handbook of Educational Theories
Title The Handbook of Educational Theories PDF eBook
Author Beverly Irby
Publisher IAP
Pages 1164
Release 2013-03-01
Genre Education
ISBN 1617358673

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Although educational theories are presented in a variety of textbooks and in some discipline specific handbooks and encyclopedias, no publication exists which serves as a comprehensive, consolidated collection of the most influential and most frequently quoted and consulted theories. There is a need to put such theories into a single, easily accessible volume. A unique feature of the Handbook is the way in which it conveys the theories. The organization of the chapters within each section makes the volume an easy·to-use and tu1derstandable reference tool as researchers and practitioners seek theories to guide their research and practice and as they develop theoretical frameworks. In addition to the traditional theories presented, the Handbook includes emerging theories for the 21st Century as well as presenting practical examples of the use of these theories in research from dissertations and published articles. An appendix which indicates which theories have instruments associated with them and where those instruments can be found is also included. The Handbook consists of 12 sections. Section I provides the jntroduction with a focus on what constitutes good theory as well as how theory guides research and practice. The remaining sections address Philosophical Educational Constructs, Leaming Theory, Instructional Theory, Curriculum theory, Literacy and Language Acquisition Theory, Counseling Theory, Moral Development Theory, Classroom Management Theory, Assessment Theory, Organizational Theory, and Leadership/Management Theory. Each section consists of an overview written by the section editor of the general theoretical concepts to be addressed by the chapter authors. Each chapter within the section will include (a) a description of the theory with goals, assumptions, and aspects particular to the theory, (b) the original development of and interactions of the theory, (c) validation of the theory, (d) generalizability of the theory across cultures, ethnicities, and genders, (e) the use and application of the theory, (f) critiques of the theory, (g) any instruments associated with the theory, and (h) two to five particular studies exemplifying particular theories as individuals have used them in theoretical framework of dissertations or published articles and be written by the original theorist or prominent contributors to the theory. The Handbook is intended for graduate students enrolled in research courses or completing theses and dissertations. Additionally, professors of all educational disciplines in the social scierices would be an interested audience. There is also potential use of the text as administrators, counselors, and teachers in schools use theory to guide practice. As more inquiry is being promoted among school leaders, this book has more meaning for practitioners.

The Jossey-Bass Reader on the Brain and Learning

The Jossey-Bass Reader on the Brain and Learning
Title The Jossey-Bass Reader on the Brain and Learning PDF eBook
Author Jossey-Bass Publishers
Publisher John Wiley & Sons
Pages 480
Release 2014-07-30
Genre Education
ISBN 1119015898

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This comprehensive reader presents an accessible overview of recent brain research and contains valuable insights into how students learn and how we should teach them. It includes articles from the top thinkers in both the brain science and K-12 education fields, such as Joseph LeDoux, Howard Gardner, Sally Shaywitz, and John Bransford. This rich and varied volume offers myriad perspectives on the brain, mind, and education, and features twenty-six chapters in seven primary areas of interest: An overview of the brain The brain-based learning debate Memory, cognition, and intelligence Emotional and social foundations The arts When the brain works differently

What Every Teacher Should Know About Student Motivation

What Every Teacher Should Know About Student Motivation
Title What Every Teacher Should Know About Student Motivation PDF eBook
Author Donna Walker Tileston
Publisher Corwin Press
Pages 137
Release 2010-03-30
Genre Education
ISBN 1452230706

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Powerful, brain-friendly strategies for motivating, challenging, and celebrating your students! This second edition is filled with practices for motivating even the most at-risk and reluctant students. Informed by current research on the plasticity of the brain and new insights on the relationship between culture and student motivation, the book features an extended classroom example of motivational techniques in action and vocabulary pre- and post-tests for teachers and details how: Technology influences the brain and motivation Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are related to celebrations and rewards Specific strategies can motivate students to begin and finish a task Teachers can foster students' positive self-talk and on-task behaviors