Neuroscience in Education

Neuroscience in Education
Title Neuroscience in Education PDF eBook
Author Sergio Della Sala
Publisher OUP Oxford
Pages 402
Release 2012-04-05
Genre Medical
ISBN 0191629006

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In the past ten years, there has been growing interest in applying our knowledge of the functioning of the human brain to the field of education-including reading, learning, language and mathematics. This has resulted in the development of a number of new practices in education-some good, some bad and some just crazy. The 'good' is nearly always sound cognitive research that has clear implications for educational practice. The 'bad' is the use of neuroscience jargon to lure the unwary and to give an apparent scientific aura to flawed educational programs with no evidence base and which no reputable neuroscientist would endorse. The 'ugly' is simplistic interpretation and misapplication of cognitive theories leading to errors in their application. More and better could be done if neuroscientists and educationalists acknowledge the limits of their disciplines and start listening to each other. Neuroscience in Education brings together an international group of leading psychologists, neuroscientists, educationalists and geneticists to critically review some of these new developments, examining the science behind these practices, the validity of the theories on which they are based, and whether they work. It will be fascinating reading for anyone involved in education, including teachers, psychologists, neuroscientists, and policy makers as well as interested parents.

The Essentials of Instructional Design

The Essentials of Instructional Design
Title The Essentials of Instructional Design PDF eBook
Author Abbie H. Brown
Publisher Routledge
Pages 293
Release 2015-06-26
Genre Education
ISBN 1317633156

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The Essentials of Instructional Design, 3rd Edition introduces the essential elements of instructional design (ID) to students who are new to ID. The key procedures within the ID process—learner analysis, task analysis, needs analysis, developing goals and objectives, organizing instruction, developing instructional activities, assessing learner achievement and evaluating the success of the instructional design—are covered in complete chapters that describe and provide examples of how the procedure is accomplished using the best known instructional design models. Unlike most other ID books, The Essentials of Instructional Design provides an overview of the principles and practice of ID without placing emphasis on any one ID model. Offering the voices of instructional designers from a number of professional settings and providing real-life examples from across sectors, students learn how professional organizations put the various ID processes into practice. This introductory textbook provides students with the information they need to make informed decisions as they design and develop instruction, offering them a variety of possible approaches for each step in the ID process and clearly explaining the strengths and challenges associated with each approach.

Neuroscience for Teachers

Neuroscience for Teachers
Title Neuroscience for Teachers PDF eBook
Author Richard Churches
Publisher Crown House Publishing Ltd
Pages 387
Release 2017-09-18
Genre Education
ISBN 1785832786

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Foreword by Baroness Susan Greenfield CBE. In Neuroscience for Teachers: Applying Research Evidence from Brain Science, Richard Churches, Eleanor Dommett and Ian Devonshire expertly unpack, in an easy-to-read and instantly useable way, what every teacher needs to know about the brain and how we really learn and what that suggests for how they should teach. Everyone is curious about the brain including your learners! Not only can knowing more about the brain be a powerful way to understand what happens when your pupils and, of course, you pick up new knowledge and skills, but it can also offer a theoretical basis for established or new classroom practice. And as the field of neuroscience uncovers more of nature's secrets about the way we learn and further augments what we already know about effective teaching this book advocates more efficient pedagogies rooted in a better understanding and application of neuroscience in education. By surveying a wide range of evidence in specific areas such as metacognition, memory, mood and motivation, the teenage brain and how to cater for individual differences, Neuroscience for Teachers shares relevant, up-to-date information to provide a suitable bridge for teachers to transfer the untapped potential of neuroscientific findings into practical classroom approaches. The key issues, challenges and research are explained in clear language that doesn't assume a prior level of knowledge on the topic that would otherwise make it inaccessible therefore enabling more teachers to better comprehend the lessons from neuroscience while the authors also take care to expose the ways in which 'neuromyths' can arise in education in order to help them avoid these pitfalls. Laid out in an easy-to-use format, each chapter features: 'Research Zones' highlighting particular pieces of research with a supplementary insight into the area being explored; 'Reflection' sections that give you something to think about, or suggest something you might try out in the classroom; and concluding 'Next steps' that outline how teachers might incorporate the findings into their own practice. The authors have also included a glossary of terms covering the book's technical vocabulary to aid the development of teachers' literacy in the field of neuroscience. Packed with examples and research-informed tips on how to enhance personal effectiveness and improve classroom delivery, Neuroscience for Teachers provides accessible, practical guidance supported by the latest research evidence on the things that will help your learners to learn better. Suitable for LSAs, NQTs, teachers, middle leaders, local authority advisers and anyone working with learners.

Crossing Mind, Brain, and Education Boundaries

Crossing Mind, Brain, and Education Boundaries
Title Crossing Mind, Brain, and Education Boundaries PDF eBook
Author Ali Nouri
Publisher Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Pages 263
Release 2022-11-25
Genre Science
ISBN 1527590763

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Mind, Brain, and Education science is a very young field, though it has roots in thousands of years of academic reflection. This book is a brief but critical look into the key turning points in the field’s evolution and the existing initiatives in order to project its future directions. It draws on information from all major branches of the learning sciences, including philosophy and history, and more modern constructs such as cognitive psychology and neuroscience. First and foremost, it is a textbook for early graduate training programs in Mind, Brain, and Education science and Educational Neuroscience and those who would like to have Learning Sciences as their main area of study, but the book will also serve as an introduction for those educational policymakers who would like to ground decision-making in evidence from the Learning Sciences, and neuroscientists who need to have knowledge about mind and education.

Autism 360°

Autism 360°
Title Autism 360° PDF eBook
Author Undurti N. Das
Publisher Academic Press
Pages 554
Release 2019-10-08
Genre Education
ISBN 0128184671

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Autism 360 uses a hybrid and transdisciplinary methodology to identify mechanisms on how autism is prevented, diagnosed, treated and managed within personal and social constructs around the world. Adopting a lifespan approach, the book discusses lifestyle challenges and emphasizes issues relating to neurodiversity, individuality, best practices, and support of both people on the spectrum and their families. This book will help change population and individual attitudes and behaviors regarding autism. Its ultimate goal is to empower readers to become both agents of change and an integral part of the solution. Covers topics from the prevention and treatment of autism and how to live with it Adopts an integrated methods approach Features field experiences Provides valuable syntheses of scattered material Compares cross-cultural learnings Discusses the education and employment of those with autism

Making Classrooms Better: 50 Practical Applications of Mind, Brain, and Education Science

Making Classrooms Better: 50 Practical Applications of Mind, Brain, and Education Science
Title Making Classrooms Better: 50 Practical Applications of Mind, Brain, and Education Science PDF eBook
Author Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa
Publisher W. W. Norton & Company
Pages 439
Release 2014-04-28
Genre Education
ISBN 0393708136

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This book goes beyond neuroscience explanations of learning to demonstrate exactly what works in the classroom and why. Lessons from mind, brain and education science are put into practice using students as a "lab" to test these theories. Strategies and approaches for doing so and a general list of "best practices" will guide and serve teachers, administrators and parents. -- Provided by publisher.

Bad Education: Debunking Myths in Education

Bad Education: Debunking Myths in Education
Title Bad Education: Debunking Myths in Education PDF eBook
Author Philip Adey
Publisher McGraw-Hill Education (UK)
Pages 326
Release 2012-10-16
Genre Education
ISBN 0335246028

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"This is an important and welcome book. Readers can see the faults of simplistic judgments, neglect of evidence, dismissal of researchers, and injudicious implementation." From the foreword by Paul Black We all know that small classes are better than large classes; that children are best taught in groups according to their ability; that some schools are much better than others and that we should teach children according to their individual learning styles ... or do we? This book asks awkward questions about these and many other sacred cows of education. Each chapter tackles a persistent myth in education, confronting it with research evidence and teasing out any kernel of truth which may underlie the myth. Leading authors from the world of education each bring analysis and expertise to bear on their chosen subject, presenting their argument in an accessible manner based on sound scholarship. Some of the conclusions drawn in Bad Education are likely to be real eye-openers for many teachers and parents, who will find some of their basic assumptions about education called into question. It is also essential reading for anyone involved in educational policy making or management. Contributors: Philip Adey, Mike Anderson, Ed Baines, Paul Black, Peter Blatchford, Margaret Brown, Guy Claxton, Frank Coffield, Justin Dillon, Julian (Joe) Elliott, Simon Gibbs, Jeremy Hodgen, Neil Humphrey, Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Bill Lucas, Bethan Marshall, Brian Matthews, Corinne Reid, Rob Webster, Dylan Wiliam “As education policymakers it can be difficult to resist the comfort of our own experience and gut instincts or the lure of populism. Bad Education is an invaluable myth-buster that tears down common misconceptions and serves up hard facts in their place. This is a politically unpalatable guide to the evidence that will challenge policymakers, the press and parents alike.” Dale Bassett, Head of Public Policy, AQA “Kenneth Baker describes in his memoirs how education policy was influenced by Margaret Thatcher’s hairdresser and possibly her cleaner. More recently policy has been justified by the selective use of research in an attempt to create legitimacy for policy changes. Bad Education seeks to address some of the most important issues facing education without resorting to the rhetoric of ideologues or detailed statistical analysis. Instead an acknowledged expert in each issue facing education looks carefully at the available evidence. These issues range from how schools are organized, to teaching methods and learning. Each of the issues examined is one that has many ‘myths’ associated with it. The authors show, in an clear and compelling way, that too much of what is being done in schools is being decided upon based on the selective use of evidence. Vocational education, ability grouping, class size, use of teaching assistants, synthetic phonics, learning styles, brain training and dyslexia are just some of the issues where the evidence is presented, in an engaging and easy to digest manner, and where all of those in education should take notice of the conclusions. In some cases the evidence is helpfully conclusive. In others it is inconclusive and messy. As we constantly seek to redefine what is best for the next cohort of children to enter education Adey and Dillon, in this highly readable and well edited book, provide us with the evidence as to what does really does make a difference. Perhaps more importantly they move the debate on from gut instinct and myths to looking at the evidence. This book should become a manifesto for change for all of those in education who want to ensure our children do not receive a Bad Education. Every Headteacher should buy a copy for every teacher and hopefully somebody might even place a copy under the Secretary of State’s Xmas tree.” Gary Phillips, Head Teacher, Lilian Bayliss School “This is a welcome and important book. It takes apart the myths which support the dearly held convictions, simplistic assumptions, prejudices and irrational certainties of both politicians and teachers. Admitting that education is not itself a science, but demonstrating how both neuroscience and psychology have become available to inform educational policy and practice, it should provide food for more careful and well-informed thought to all who can influence what happens in our schools.” Baroness Perry of Southwark