
Title Unthink PDF eBook
Author Erik Wahl
Publisher Currency
Pages 226
Release 2013-06-04
Genre Business & Economics
ISBN 0770434002

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In the tradition of A Whole New Mind and The War of Art, graffiti artist and corporate thought leader, Erik Wahl explores the power of creativity to achieve superior performance. Somehow we’ve come to believe that creativity is reserved for the chosen few: the poets, the painters, the writers. The truth is creativity is in all of us and re-discovering it is the key to unlocking your fullest potential. Unthink pushes us beyond our traditional thought patterns. It will inspire everyone to realize that we are capable of so much more than we have pre-conditioned for. Creativity is not in one special place--and it is not in one special person. Creativity is everywhere and in everyone who has the courage to unleash their creative genius.

The Spark and the Grind

The Spark and the Grind
Title The Spark and the Grind PDF eBook
Author Erik Wahl
Publisher Penguin
Pages 258
Release 2017-03-07
Genre Business & Economics
ISBN 0399564225

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We’ve been conditioned to think about creative genius as a dichotomy: dreamers versus doers, creativity versus discipline, the spark versus the grind. But what if we’re wrong? What if it’s the spark and the grind? We love people whose creative genius arrives in sudden sparks of inspiration. Think of Archimedes in his bathtub or Newton under his apple tree. But we also admire people who work incredibly hard and long for their creative breakthroughs. Think of Edison in his lab, grinding through hundreds of failed variations on the lightbulb. We remember his words in tough times: “Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.” Now Erik Wahl, a visual artist, speaker, and entre­preneur, helps us unite the yin and yang of creativity— the dynamic new ideas with the dogged effort. He shows why we won’t get far if we rely on the spark without the grind, or the grind without the spark. What the world really needs are the creators who can hold the two in balance. Fortunately, it’s possible to get good at both, as Wahl knows from experience. After his corporate career sud­denly ended, he pursued a spark—to paint photorealistic portraits—and ground it out until he got good enough to make very good art very quickly. That’s the basis of his riveting live shows, which have captivated skeptical audiences who never expected to be inspired by art—and taught them to embrace creativity in a whole new way. This book offers surprising insights and practical advice about how to fan the sparks and make the grind more productive. Wahl deftly synthesizes the wisdom of other artists, philosophers, scientists, and business visionaries throughout history, along with his own views. Here’s how he sums up his approach: The world needs people who enjoy swimming in ideas until they discover a great one. The world also needs doers who have a gift for activation, a.k.a. “getting s*** done.” But the most potent individual creators in any industry or environment have learned how to be both. They’ve learned how to spark their grind and they’ve learned how to grind their sparks. As a result, they not only make things happen, they make great things. If you want to ensure constant creativity in your life and produce your most innovative work—this is your guide.

Worth Every Penny: Build a Business That Thrills Your Customers and Still Charge What You're Worth

Worth Every Penny: Build a Business That Thrills Your Customers and Still Charge What You're Worth
Title Worth Every Penny: Build a Business That Thrills Your Customers and Still Charge What You're Worth PDF eBook
Author Sarah Petty
Publisher Greenleaf Book Group
Pages 209
Release 2012
Genre Business & Economics
ISBN 1608322823

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A revelation for small business owners: creating a profitable business is possible without getting into a slash-and-burn price war with your competitors. Petty and Verbeck inspire you to live your passion and pass your enthusiasm on to your customers, without succumbing to the pressure to discount.

The Startup Playbook

The Startup Playbook
Title The Startup Playbook PDF eBook
Author David Kidder
Publisher Chronicle Books
Pages 289
Release 2012
Genre Business & Economics
ISBN 1452105049

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" ... [The author] shares the inspiring experiences, lessons, and words to the wise from more than forty founders, along with his own playbook for startup success"--Page 4 of cover.

The Chaos Imperative

The Chaos Imperative
Title The Chaos Imperative PDF eBook
Author Ori Brafman
Publisher Crown Currency
Pages 242
Release 2013-08-13
Genre Business & Economics
ISBN 0307886697

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In the bestselling tradition of Switch and Made to Stick, Ori Brafman reveals how organizations can drive growth and profits by allowing contained chaos and disruption the space to flourish, generating new ideas that trigger innovation. In The Chaos Imperative, organizational expert and bestselling author Ori Brafman (Sway, The Starfish and the Spider) shows how even the best and most efficient organizations, from Fortune 500 companies to today's US Army, benefit from allowing a little unstructured space and disruption into their planning and decision-making.

A Whole New Mind

A Whole New Mind
Title A Whole New Mind PDF eBook
Author Daniel H. Pink
Publisher Penguin
Pages 305
Release 2006-03-07
Genre Psychology
ISBN 1101157909

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New York Times Bestseller An exciting--and encouraging--exploration of creativity from the author of When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing The future belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind: artists, inventors, storytellers-creative and holistic "right-brain" thinkers whose abilities mark the fault line between who gets ahead and who doesn't. Drawing on research from around the world, Pink (author of To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Motivating Others) outlines the six fundamentally human abilities that are absolute essentials for professional success and personal fulfillment--and reveals how to master them. A Whole New Mind takes readers to a daring new place, and a provocative and necessary new way of thinking about a future that's already here.

How to Find a Black Cat in a Dark Room

How to Find a Black Cat in a Dark Room
Title How to Find a Black Cat in a Dark Room PDF eBook
Author Jacob Burak
Publisher Watkins Media Limited
Pages 254
Release 2017-10-17
Genre Psychology
ISBN 1786780976

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An inquiry into what it is about our experiences and cultures that brings out the differences and reveals the similarities in us as humans beings, in the vein of Malcolm Gladwell and Daniel Kahneman. Jacob Burak is on a quest to answer the question “are we as human beings, who are separated by different cultures and experiences, similar or different?” Through the lens of behavioural studies, we see how, while our approaches differ and often conflict, we all strive for similar things: love, acceptance, power and understanding. How to Find a Black Cat in a Dark Room offers the latest scientific studies of human behaviour alongside accessible anecdotes to examine the universal human experiences of comparing ourselves to others, the need to belong, the urge to achieve and the anxiety and uncertainty of life itself. More importantly, Burak shows us how, in understanding these behavioural patterns, we learn that we are actually more alike than we are different; that our rivals often make us stronger; and that being trusting can help us live longer. With his inquisitive nature, logical thinking and engaging style, Burak examines whether it is destiny or personality that controls our lives, through intriguing subjects such as: • What are the ten rules for happiness that are entirely under our control? • Why do smart people make stupid mistakes? • What distinguishes bureaucrats and entrepreneurs? • What are the psychological differences between liberals and conservatives? • In what circumstances is it right to surrender our privacy? • Does it pay to trust people?