Affective Geographies

Affective Geographies
Title Affective Geographies PDF eBook
Author Paul Michael Johnson
Publisher University of Toronto Press
Pages 328
Release 2021-02-19
Genre History
ISBN 1487507518

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By reading the works of Miguel de Cervantes through the history of emotion, this book defies a series of long-standing commonplaces about the author's writing and the Mediterranean region at large.

Humanistica Lovaniensia

Humanistica Lovaniensia
Title Humanistica Lovaniensia PDF eBook
Author Gilbert Tournoy
Publisher Leuven University Press
Pages 429
Release 2009-06-15
Genre Foreign Language Study
ISBN 9058676927

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As well as presenting articles on Neo-Latin topics, the annual journal Humanistica Lovaniensia is a major source for critical editions of Neo-Latin texts with translations and commentaries. Please visit for the full table of contents.

The Aesthetics of Melancholia

The Aesthetics of Melancholia
Title The Aesthetics of Melancholia PDF eBook
Author Luis F. López González
Publisher Oxford University Press
Pages 273
Release 2023-01-06
Genre History
ISBN 0192859226

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This book explores the intersection between medicine and literature in medieval Iberian literature and culture. Its overarching argument is that thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Iberian authors revalorized the interconnection between the body, the mind, and the soul in light of the evolving epistemology of medicine. Prior to the reintroduction of classical medical treatises through Arab authors into European cultures, mental disorders and bodily diseases were primarily attributed to moral corruption, demonic influence, and superstition. The introduction of novel regimens of health as well as treatises on melancholia into academic institutions and into the cultural landscape provided the tools for newly minted authors to understand that psychosomatic illnesses stemmed from malfunctions of the body's biochemical composition. This book demonstrates that the earliest books written in the Iberian vernaculars contain the seeds that effect the shift from a theocentric worldview to a humanistic one. The volume features close readings of multiple texts, including medical treatises and religious writings, and King Alfonso X's Cantigas de Santa Maria, Juan Manuel's Conde Lucanor, and Juan Ruiz's Libro de buen amor. Even though these texts differ in literary genre, rhetorical strategy, and even purpose, this study argues that they collectively employ humoral pathology and melancholic discourses as a means of underscoring the frailty and transience of human life by showing how somatic conditions sicken the body, mind, and soul unto death.

An Eye on Race

An Eye on Race
Title An Eye on Race PDF eBook
Author John Beusterien
Publisher Bucknell University Press
Pages 236
Release 2006
Genre Literary Criticism
ISBN 9780838756140

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Racism in the modern nation state is based on a Continental and an American model. In the Continental model, the racist differentiates the raced individual by religion. Because this raced individual is indistinguishable from the racist, a narrative is written to see that individual. In turn, in the American model the racist differentiates the raced individual based on skin color. Because the sign of difference is obvious, no story is written to justify racist thinking. By 1550, both models form part of imperial thinking in the Iberian world system. An Eye on Race: Perspectives from Theater in Imperial Spain describes these models at work in imperial Spanish theater. The study reveals how the display of blood in drama serves the Continental model and how the display of skin color serves the American model. It also elucidates how Miguel de Cervantes celebrates a subaltern aesthetic as he discards both racial paradigms. John Beusterien is Associate Professor of Spanish at Texas Tech University.

La Salamandra

La Salamandra
Title La Salamandra PDF eBook
Author Martha Sánchez Llambí
Publisher Palibrio
Pages 227
Release 2012-09
Genre Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN 1463339038

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Cualquier ser humano se ve expuesto a los efectos de las creencias familiares y a la disciplina impuesta por sus padres. Se podría decir que es "la ley de la vida". Los sufrimientos y las carencias no es lo único que lo limita, también ejercen poder los dictámenes de las religiones y la sociedad en general. La autora se apoya en la cualidad misteriosa y hasta mágica de la salamandra, como la fuerza de transformación que el ser humano utilizará en su búsqueda del conocimiento y la espiritualidad. El viaje personal podrá hacer uso del poder del fuego para convertir en cenizas todas sus aflicciones, esas que surgen del miedo, la ira o la tristeza. Ella comparte su jornada personal que, finalmente, le otorgó, a través de ese fuego purificador, la respuesta anhelada. Conocer el camino a la serenidad puede ser un regalo magnífico para aquel que abre su conciencia y decide que hay más, mucho más alrededor suyo.

The Constitution of the Psychoanalytic Clinic

The Constitution of the Psychoanalytic Clinic
Title The Constitution of the Psychoanalytic Clinic PDF eBook
Author Christian Dunker
Publisher Routledge
Pages 436
Release 2018-03-21
Genre Psychology
ISBN 0429906129

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This book provides a detailed examination of the historical roots of psychoanalysis from ancient Greece to the late nineteenth century, focusing on social practices that were related to the founders of psychoanalytic theory and maintained within contemporary treatment. Alongside the reconstruction of an evolutionary accumulation of healing practices, the book includes linked discussions of current issues pertaining to psychoanalytic treatment and its working structure as elaborated by Freud and Lacan. There are vital political consequences for psychoanalytic practice - here articulated with an acknowledgement of these practical derivations of early pre-psychoanalytic treatments of the soul. The book demonstrates that these are neither mere techniques nor concepts of the world and the human subject, but they concern the way the problem of power is articulated. The historical establishment of psychoanalytical practice becomes legible through analysis of the traces of the elements of a political ontology, an account of the roots of those traces and the elaboration of the conceptual structure of psychoanalysis as theory and treatment, a praxis which maintains its own distinctive identity.

Los que pintan la aldea

Los que pintan la aldea
Title Los que pintan la aldea PDF eBook
Author Susana Chas
Publisher Eduvim
Pages 329
Release 2011
Genre Literary Criticism
ISBN 9871727755

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