Chanting Mantras

Chanting Mantras
Title Chanting Mantras PDF eBook
Author Goce Nikoloski
Publisher Artof4elements
Pages 78
Release 2015-05-04
Genre Self-Help
ISBN 9995754150

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Chanting Mantras with Best Chords Singing words of mantras, prayers or devotional songs we become the transcendental vibration of the sound we repeat, we become pure love and joy. Meditation, contemplation, mantras and prayers from all around the world are becoming a spiritual force leading towards more love on Earth. The Guide to Chanting Mantras with Best Chords is a perfect chanting mantras guide for beginners, designed to inspire your spiritual search and meditation journey into the world of mantras and mantra singing. The Guide to Mantra Chanting with best Chords analyses over 50 mantras, their spiritual meaning, lyrics and chords and it explores: - Hindu sacred mantras - Buddhist mantras - Sufi Chants - New-Consciousness Mantras in English


Title Spring PDF eBook
Author Rudolf Ragonesi
Publisher Artof4elements
Pages 209
Release 2022-01-08
Genre Antiques & Collectibles
ISBN 9995754207

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As the river flows inexorably to the sea, sweeping us along, we find ourselves stepping out onto the shore, reflecting on it all. Such moments come as we awaken in the morning, wait at the traffic lights, walk the dog or stir a pot on the boil. Thoughts are the most spontaneous and intimate thing we possess, if indeed we can speak of possession rather than a glimpse of the 11 picture, seen through our eyes, that appears before us day to day. They are what make us who we are, as all that surrounds us pushes, drives, moulds and tests us, forming every fibre of our being. Certainly we are not our thoughts, but we come together when we choose to share them. These aphorisms cover the gamut of the human experience, with recurrent themes of love, liberty, the mind and character. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed penning them. The Author The aphorism is a sort of gem, precious as it is rare, Enjoyable only in small doses. Acknowledgements A word of acknowledgement to Nicholas A Tonelli for the kind use of his stunning photography of cascades in Pennsylvania, to Raquel Gaspar for the design, as well as to all those around us who inspire us in our daily lives. Here’s one for them We may inspire close up Or at a distance Sometimes aware of it Sometimes not By being who we are, And the world is a better place An aphorism is a concise, terse, laconic, or memorable expression of a general truth or principle. Almost all books of aphorisms, which have ever acquired a reputation, have retained it,” John Stuart Mill wrote in 1837. We prefer collections of aphorisms over big books of philosophy, Mill thought, because the aphorism is, in its algebraic abbreviation, a micro-model of empirical inquiry. We don’t absorb aphorisms as esoteric wisdom; we test them against our own experience.

Conscious Creativity

Conscious Creativity
Title Conscious Creativity PDF eBook
Author Nataša Pantović
Publisher Artof4Elements
Pages 180
Release 2018-06-06
Genre Philosophy
ISBN 9995754118

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Learning from Ancient Worlds Mystics about power of mind & subconscious patens. When East meets West in Platonism, Neo-Platonism, Pythagoras, Ancient Greek Philosophers, or Ancient Egyptian symbolism through the art and mysticism of saints, scientists and sages, the likes of Leonardo da Vinci, Plato, Jung, or Patamjali.

Conscious Parenting

Conscious Parenting
Title Conscious Parenting PDF eBook
Author Nataša Pantović
Publisher Artof4elements
Pages 33
Release 2017-02-14
Genre Self-Help

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Conscious Parenting Course by Nataša Pantović (MSc Economics) and Ivana Milosavljević (MA Special Needs) is the AoL Mindfulness Bok #5 designed for parents. We use 100s of Transformation Tools and Parenting Exercises that will help you get in touch with your Soul, with Love, and with Patience when dealing with kids. Explore the magic work with: Soul's Diary, Spiritual Parenting Diary, Developing Parenting Virtues, Mindfulness Meditations, Rhythm, Day-to-day Routine, Happy Family Structure, Cultivating Relationships, etc. Within 12 Modules we examine 12 areas of Life and Implement various Transformation Tools to help you Live your Highest Potential as a Parent. You will explore some very inspiring Conscious Parenting Exercises exploring mind powers, subconscious and conscious thoughts, emotions, relationships. We look into parenting goals, dreams, and personal development plan. All through the exercises, we hope to inspire: - Your relationship with yourself as a parent and the world, - Your capability to Love, Be Organised, and Respect Rhythm and Structure - Your capacity to stay a Creative Parent that is Full of Energy.

Tree of Life

Tree of Life
Title Tree of Life PDF eBook
Author Nataša Pantović
Publisher Artof4Elements
Pages 301
Release 2019-02-14
Genre Fiction
ISBN 9995754134

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A metaphysical biographical novel by Nataša Pantović set in Findhorn, the UK, as a Journey into the Field of Dreams. This true adoption story ventures into Serbia, Africa, Ethiopia, Kenia, Malta. "If we discover a complete theory, in time it should be understood by everyone, physicians, laymen, biologists, psychologists, passers by. Knowing the mind of God! If we find the answer to that, it would enlighten our living. A layman theosophist or a spare-time archeologist, still researching original artifacts, reading ancient manuscripts, listening to the sounds repeating mantras or Orthodox Christina Prayers, closely examining symbols of Ancient China, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece. Simply put, a theosophist, derived from the Greek theos “god” and sophia “wisdom”, is understood to mean the one who studies the “divine wisdom.” Ancient wisdom held in antiquity by the Persians, Ancient Chinese, Egyptians, Maltese, Cyprians and in the Middle Ages by the Bogomils in Balkan countries, or Alchemists in the West. It is the portal to „divine knowledge“ through which we hoped to discover, the true nature of consciousness. Listening to the sacred code of languages development, researching only original scripts as though we were not warned by what Hesse wrote in his masterpiece The Glass Bead Game: “There is truth, my boy. But the doctrine you desire, absolute, perfect dogma that alone provides wisdom, does not exist. Nor should you long for a perfect doctrine, my friend. Rather, you should long for the perfection of yourself.” Through an exploration of various philosophers, we can discover more about the nature of music, or the number one, the number three or „S“ „Đ“ „Š“ brain patterns. Thus, there is logical and rational evidence, something each scientists seeks, that helps us become a cross and resonate as a cross with all the age groups, all nationalities, all sex and races." Nataša Pantović in an Interview.

Spiritual Symbols

Spiritual Symbols
Title Spiritual Symbols PDF eBook
Author Nataša Pantović
Publisher Artof4Elements
Pages 260
Release 2018-02-14
Genre Art
ISBN 9995754126

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According to the Ancient Egyptian Myth the hieroglyphic script was invented by the God Thoth. We all remember 1,000 distinct characters of formal writing system used by pharaohs. Now, cursive hieroglyphs were used for religious literature on papyrus and wood, this is what researchers now call “the Proto-Canaanite alphabet”, the term used for inscriptions older than around 1050 BC that later evolved into the Phoenician alphabet. Again, lots of countries, governments, scientists, religion leaders wish to claim the invention of the alphabet. What about Vinča's Neolithic (Serbian Danube) pottery scripts also found in China? Vinča's sophisticated carved statues signs, 100s of Canaan letters, Phoenicians Arabic, Ionic, Cyrillic, Aramaic, Chinese, Hebrew.

Mindful Being

Mindful Being
Title Mindful Being PDF eBook
Author Nataša Pantović
Publisher Artof4elements
Pages 227
Release 2017-05-21
Genre Body, Mind & Spirit

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Mindfulness, such an ancient concept in Europe, an innate quality known in Ancient Greece as “Pure Reason” or with Egyptians as “heart-mind” or “Intelligence of the Heart” going back to Ancient Egyptian Babylon’s philosophy, or Ancient Greek Plato’s Soul’s Eye that is purified “for it is by it alone that we contemplate the truth”. The course consists of 12 modules that are full of personal development exercises and transformational tools designed to help the explorer understand body, thinking patterns, core beliefs, or relationships matrix. On this journey, you will be exploring: Nutrition, Will Power Exercises, Emotional Inteligence, Core Beliefs, Relationship Contract, building own Personal Development Plan...