Earths Forbidden Secrets

Earths Forbidden Secrets
Title Earths Forbidden Secrets PDF eBook
Author Maxwell Igan
Pages 260
Release 2014-10-07
ISBN 9781502737854

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In all reality, any reasonable theories need to be fully evaluated. All the world leadingarcheological teams need to combine their resources, all the available information needs to beaccessed and viewed together as a whole; all of the monuments need to be examined "en masse"and all the existing ancient texts from all countries need to be studied together as one, though dueto the worlds populations constant religious and racial bickering such a thing may never actuallyoccur.Many of these ancient tales have always been viewed exclusively as myth and fantasy, butwhen these ancient 'myths' are corroborated by each other and by physical evidence and whensuch inexplicable evidence is in turn found to be adequately explained by the myths then it standsto logic and reason that perhaps a more detailed scrutiny may perhaps be in order.Could some of these ancient texts and scriptures actually contain complex scientificinformation, hidden within the narrative in the form of code or numerology as Newton and manyothers have believed?Is there a coming 'Armageddon?'

America Before

America Before
Title America Before PDF eBook
Author Graham Hancock
Publisher St. Martin's Press
Pages 486
Release 2019-04-23
Genre Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN 1250153743

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The Instant New York Times Bestseller! Was an advanced civilization lost to history in the global cataclysm that ended the last Ice Age? Graham Hancock, the internationally bestselling author, has made it his life's work to find out--and in America Before, he draws on the latest archaeological and DNA evidence to bring his quest to a stunning conclusion. We’ve been taught that North and South America were empty of humans until around 13,000 years ago – amongst the last great landmasses on earth to have been settled by our ancestors. But new discoveries have radically reshaped this long-established picture and we know now that the Americas were first peopled more than 130,000 years ago – many tens of thousands of years before human settlements became established elsewhere. Hancock's research takes us on a series of journeys and encounters with the scientists responsible for the recent extraordinary breakthroughs. In the process, from the Mississippi Valley to the Amazon rainforest, he reveals that ancient "New World" cultures share a legacy of advanced scientific knowledge and sophisticated spiritual beliefs with supposedly unconnected "Old World" cultures. Have archaeologists focused for too long only on the "Old World" in their search for the origins of civilization while failing to consider the revolutionary possibility that those origins might in fact be found in the "New World"? America Before: The Key to Earth's Lost Civilization is the culmination of everything that millions of readers have loved in Hancock's body of work over the past decades, namely a mind-dilating exploration of the mysteries of the past, amazing archaeological discoveries and profound implications for how we lead our lives today.

The Magic Carpet's Guide to Earth's Forbidden Places

The Magic Carpet's Guide to Earth's Forbidden Places
Title The Magic Carpet's Guide to Earth's Forbidden Places PDF eBook
Author Patrick Makin
Release 2020-10
ISBN 9781916180567

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Where would you go if you had a magic carpet? Take the journey of a lifetime and explore 19 real-life, off-limits locations... Whether you'd prefer to visit a volcano, do some supernatural sightseeing in Area 51, take a tour of the remotest island on Earth, or plunder the Secret Archives of the Vatican, the magic carpet will cover the four corners of the globe - and reveal hundreds of hidden secrets in between!

The Sun, the Earth, and Near-earth Space

The Sun, the Earth, and Near-earth Space
Title The Sun, the Earth, and Near-earth Space PDF eBook
Author John A. Eddy
Publisher Government Printing Office
Pages 316
Release 2009
Genre Business & Economics
ISBN 9780160838088

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" ... Concise explanations and descriptions - easily read and readily understood - of what we know of the chain of events and processes that connect the Sun to the Earth, with special emphasis on space weather and Sun-Climate."--Dear Reader.

The Forbidden

The Forbidden
Title The Forbidden PDF eBook
Author Lori Holmes
Pages 240
Release 2020-04-19
Genre Fiction
ISBN 9781838029821

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As the blood settles into the snow, Rebaa's life will never be the same again. Lost, alone and damingly burdened with her murdered lover's Forbidden offspring, Rebaa must learn to survive in a freezing and hostile world. Hunted by a murderous chieftain, a man hell-bent on possessing her mysterious powers for his own, Rebaa calls upon all of her cunning and extraordinary gifts to evade capture. Facing relentless danger, Rebaa must attempt to reach the one place that surely promises salvation; she can only hope that her ancestral home is the haven she needs it to be... But can any haven truly exist for one who bears...The Forbidden?

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost
Title Paradise Lost PDF eBook
Author John Milton
Pages 464
Release 1711
Genre Bible

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Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Secrets

Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Secrets
Title Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Secrets PDF eBook
Author Robert Nye
Pages 202
Release 2019-09-04
ISBN 9781690975748

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Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Secretscolorings, the S.S. has its own rites, festivals, rituals and burial customs. The "spiritual center" of the S.S. - dedicated entirely to the development of these and other public rituals, is the Ancestral Heritage Office.Reichsfuhrer S.S., Himmler, is an avid student of the occult. An SS occult research department, the Ahnernerbe (Ancestral Heritage) was established in 1935 with SS Colonel Wolfram von Sievers at its head. Occult research took SS researchers as far afield as Tibet.As soon as the Nazi movement had sufficient funds, it began to organize a number of expeditions to Tibet and these succeeded one another practically without interruption through the present day. It is conjectured that the Nazis wish to find Shambala, an ancient center of power which is said to be accessible through hidden tunnels in Tibet.The strongest influence on Hitler in this regard was Dietrich Eckart (1868-1923). Most biographers have underestimated the influence that Eckart exerted on Hitler. He was the wealthy publisher and editor-in-chief of an anti-semitic journal which he called In Plain German. Eckart was also a committed occultist and a master of magic. As an initiate, Eckart belonged to the inner circle of the Thule Society as well as other esoteric orders.There can be no doubt that Eckart - who had been alerted to Hitler by other Thulists - trained Hitler in techniques of self confidence, self projection, persuasive oratory, body language and discursive sophistry. With these tools, in a short period of time he was able to move the obscure workers party from the club and beer hall atmosphere to a mass movement. The emotion charged lay speaker became an expert orator, capable of mesmerizing a vast audience.