The Indicted South

The Indicted South
Title The Indicted South PDF eBook
Author Angie Maxwell
Publisher UNC Press Books
Pages 324
Release 2014-04-15
Genre History
ISBN 1469611651

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By the 1920s, the sectional reconciliation that had seemed achievable after Reconstruction was foundering, and the South was increasingly perceived and portrayed as impoverished, uneducated, and backward. In this interdisciplinary study, Angie Maxwell examines and connects three key twentieth-century moments in which the South was exposed to intense public criticism, identifying in white southerners' responses a pattern of defensiveness that shaped the region's political and cultural conservatism. Maxwell exposes the way the perception of regional inferiority confronted all types of southerners, focusing on the 1925 Scopes trial in Dayton, Tennessee, and the birth of the anti-evolution movement; the publication of I'll Take My Stand and the turn to New Criticism by the Southern Agrarians; and Virginia's campaign of Massive Resistance and Interposition in response to the Brown v. Board of Education decision. Tracing the effects of media scrutiny and the ridicule that characterized national discourse in each of these cases, Maxwell reveals the reactionary responses that linked modern southern whiteness with anti-elitism, states' rights, fundamentalism, and majoritarianism.

The Indictment

The Indictment
Title The Indictment PDF eBook
Author Barry C. Reed
Publisher Crown Publishing Group (NY)
Pages 388
Release 1994
Genre Fiction
ISBN 9780517594339

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This fictional re-creation of the battle of Shiloh in April 1862 fulfills the standard set by his monumental history, conveying both the bloody choreography of two armies and the movements of the combatants' hearts and minds.

Precedents of Indictments and Pleas, Adapted to the Use Both of the Courts of the United States and Those of All the Several States

Precedents of Indictments and Pleas, Adapted to the Use Both of the Courts of the United States and Those of All the Several States
Title Precedents of Indictments and Pleas, Adapted to the Use Both of the Courts of the United States and Those of All the Several States PDF eBook
Author Francis Wharton
Pages 848
Release 1857
Genre Criminal procedure

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Politically Indicted

Politically Indicted
Title Politically Indicted PDF eBook
Author Anthony Suarez
Pages 248
Release 2019-02-05
ISBN 9781643071435

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"Imagine being implicated in a crime you know you didn't commit and feeling as if those in your closest circle had turned against you in its wake. Can't imagine what that would feel like? Just ask Anthony Suarez. He lived it. In 2008, then-United States Attorney for New Jersey, future New Jersey governor, and failed presidential candidate Chris Christie used his position as the state's chief federal law enforcement officer to advance his own political goals. Unfortunately, Mayor Suarez was caught in the complicated crossfire and wrongly accused of extortion and conspiracy. He spent a nightmarish year and a half fighting the outlandish accusations. In this searing first-hand account of the biggest political sting operation in New Jersey history, Mayor Anthony Suarez of Ridgefield recounts his experience of being one of those implicated in the Operation Bid Rig III takedown, a corruption web so big that over 25 public officials were arrested in connection with the case.

Treatise on the Law Governing Indictments with Forms

Treatise on the Law Governing Indictments with Forms
Title Treatise on the Law Governing Indictments with Forms PDF eBook
Author Howard Clifford Joyce
Pages 1372
Release 1924
Genre Forms (Law)

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The Forms of Indictment

The Forms of Indictment
Title The Forms of Indictment PDF eBook
Author John Frederick Archbold
Pages 428
Release 1828
Genre Criminal procedure

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Precedents of Indictments and Pleas

Precedents of Indictments and Pleas
Title Precedents of Indictments and Pleas PDF eBook
Author Francis Wharton
Pages 728
Release 1849
Genre Criminal procedure

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