Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties

Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties
Title Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties PDF eBook
Author Thomas G. Gunning
Publisher Pearson
Pages 601
Release 2017-01-09
Genre Education
ISBN 0134516540

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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Comprehensive, practical, and up to date, Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties presents a wealth of examples and thorough coverage of procedures for assessing and instructing below-level readers and writers from pre-k through grade 12. The book covers virtually all aspects of assessment, including basic concepts of tests and measurements; standardized measures, and informal but highly regarded techniques. The book’s thorough, practical coverage of instructional techniques includes approaches for working with readers and writers who have the most severe difficulties. Some 46 sample lessons covering virtually every essential skill are presented and accompanied by numerous suggestions for practice and reinforcement, including the use of technology. The text takes the position that with the right kind of instruction and reinforcement, virtually all students can learn to read and write complex text, which is the foundation for being college- and career-ready.

Reading Assessment and Instruction for All Learners

Reading Assessment and Instruction for All Learners
Title Reading Assessment and Instruction for All Learners PDF eBook
Author Jeanne Shay Schumm
Publisher Guilford Publications
Pages 593
Release 2017-02-13
Genre Language Arts & Disciplines
ISBN 1462532357

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Weaving together the latest knowledge and best practices for teaching children to read, this indispensable text and professional resource provides a complete guide to differentiated instruction for diverse learners. Uniquely integrative, the book places the needs of English language learners and students with disabilities front and center instead of treating them as special topics. Accessible chapters on each of the core components of literacy clearly demonstrate how to link formal and informal assessment to evidence-based instruction. Special features include Research Briefs, Tech Tips, Internet Resources, Reflection and Action Questions, and dozens of reproducible student activities and assessment tools.

Bader Reading and Language Inventory

Bader Reading and Language Inventory
Title Bader Reading and Language Inventory PDF eBook
Author Lois A. Bader
Publisher Macmillan College
Pages 198
Release 1994
Genre Educational tests and measurements
ISBN 9780023051111

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The current edition of the most comprehensive reading inventory. Based on the latest cognitive research, The Bader Reading and Language Inventory offers a range of devices and graded passages to test reading ability through the twelfth grade level. The inventory includes pre-literacy and word-identification tests to ensure a comprehensive assessment and an arithmetic test to determine competence independent of verbal skills. It also provides instructions for administering and evaluating the tests and a scoring guide for each passage. In addition, experiential word lists permit testing of individuals with little formal schooling and those for whom English is a second language. Also includes several unique sections: "Classroom Teacher's Reading Referral" (passages for classroom assessment); "Interest and Attitude" (determine a students' optimal instructional environment); and "Portfolio Assessment" (guidelines for classroom use, establishing criteria, and selecting appropriate portions of the inventory). The third edition of The Bader Reading and Language Inventory now includes a separate booklet of reading passages, a greater emphasis on portfolio and "authentic" assessment, and the inclusion of an ESL test.

Assessment for Reading Instruction, Second Edition

Assessment for Reading Instruction, Second Edition
Title Assessment for Reading Instruction, Second Edition PDF eBook
Author Michael C. McKenna
Publisher Guilford Press
Pages 306
Release 2012-09-26
Genre Language Arts & Disciplines
ISBN 1462509657

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Widely adopted for course use, this trusted teacher guide combines crucial background knowledge with hands-on tools. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book features more than two dozen reproducibles. It covers all the essentials of planning, administering, scoring, and interpreting a wide range of formal and informal assessments. Helpful examples illustrate effective ways to evaluate K/n-/8 students' strengths and weaknesses in each of the core competencies that good readers need to master. See also Reading Assessment in an RTI Framework, which offers systematic guidance for conducting assessments in all three tiers of RTI.

Words Their Way

Words Their Way
Title Words Their Way PDF eBook
Author Donald R. Bear
Publisher Pearson
Pages 465
Release 2015-10-05
Genre Education
ISBN 0134110080

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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. NOTE: Used books, rentals, and purchases made outside of Pearson If purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson, the access codes for the PDToolkit for Words Their Way® may not be included, may be incorrect, or may be previously redeemed. Check with the seller before completing your purchase. Written for professional development facilitators and their program participants, literacy coaches, reading specialists, and classroom teachers, this text can also be used in the Reading Methods (Supplementary) or Phonological Awareness and Phonics course. Words Their Way is a hands-on, developmentally-driven approach to word study that illustrates how to integrate and teach children phonics, vocabulary, and spelling skills. Building on its best-selling approach, this edition of Words Their Way continues the phenomenon that has helped thousands of children improve their literacy skills. The keys to this successful, research-based approach are to know your students’ literacy progress, organize for instruction, and implement word study. This Sixth Edition lists the Common Core State Standards for each activity, and features enhanced discussions, activities, and content. To offer teachers even more tools that will enhance their word study instruction, all new classroom videos and interactive PDFs are available on the PDToolkit site*. With its newly designed marginal icons that link readers to resources on the accompanying web site, Words Their Way, provides a complete word study package that will motivate and engage your students, and help them to succeed in literacy learning. *The PDToolkit is available free for twelve months after you use the password that comes with the book. After twelve months, the subscription must be renewed. To learn more, please visit:

Strategy Instruction for Middle and Secondary Students with Mild Disabilities

Strategy Instruction for Middle and Secondary Students with Mild Disabilities
Title Strategy Instruction for Middle and Secondary Students with Mild Disabilities PDF eBook
Author Greg Conderman
Publisher Corwin Press
Pages 305
Release 2013-02-14
Genre Education
ISBN 1452276978

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Teach your students learning strategies that will last a lifetime! The pressure is on special and general education teachers alike. If we′re to ensure that adolescents with mild disabilities achieve the very same gains as their peers, we must first teach them how to learn. Here′s a one-stop guide for getting started, pairing the very best instructional methods with assessments and IEP goals so all students can be independent learners. Driven by research, this indispensible resource features: Evidence-based strategies for teaching vocabulary, reading, written language, math, and science, as well as study skills, textbook skills, and self-regulation Clear presentation that describes strategies in context Informal assessments for every content area or skill addressed Case studies that link assessment results, IEP goals, and learning strategies Application activities with questions and suggested responses Whether you teach in an inclusive, resource, or self-contained setting, there′s no better guide for teaching your students learning strategies that will last a lifetime. "This is a rare find—a book for practitioners that actually stays on task throughout and provides an abundance of teaching strategies. As a veteran of the classroom, it is nice to find strategies that are useful and can be readily implemented." —Sally Jeanne Coghlan, Special Education Teacher Rio Linda Preparatory Academy, Rio Linda CA "I really like this comprehensive resource of strategies. I felt the book was written for people like me, struggling to do the very best for my students to make their time in school truly of benefit." —Cheryl Moss, Special Education Teacher Gilbert Middle School, Gilbert, IA

Reading Inventory for the Classroom

Reading Inventory for the Classroom
Title Reading Inventory for the Classroom PDF eBook
Author E. Sutton Flynt
Pages 344
Release 2004
Genre Reading
ISBN 9780131784864

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