Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties
Title | Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties PDF eBook |
Author | Thomas G. Gunning |
Publisher | Pearson |
Pages | 601 |
Release | 2017-01-09 |
Genre | Education |
ISBN | 0134516540 |
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Comprehensive, practical, and up to date, Assessing and Correcting Reading and Writing Difficulties presents a wealth of examples and thorough coverage of procedures for assessing and instructing below-level readers and writers from pre-k through grade 12. The book covers virtually all aspects of assessment, including basic concepts of tests and measurements; standardized measures, and informal but highly regarded techniques. The book’s thorough, practical coverage of instructional techniques includes approaches for working with readers and writers who have the most severe difficulties. Some 46 sample lessons covering virtually every essential skill are presented and accompanied by numerous suggestions for practice and reinforcement, including the use of technology. The text takes the position that with the right kind of instruction and reinforcement, virtually all students can learn to read and write complex text, which is the foundation for being college- and career-ready.