The Accumulation of Freedom

The Accumulation of Freedom
Title The Accumulation of Freedom PDF eBook
Author Anthony J. Nocella II
Publisher AK Press
Pages 320
Release 2012-02-14
Genre Political Science
ISBN 1849350957

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The only crisis of capitalism is capitalism itself. Let's toss credit default swaps, bailouts, environmental externalities and, while we're at it, private ownership of production in the dustbin of history. The Accumulation of Freedom brings together economists, historians, theorists, and activists for a first-of-its-kind study of anarchist economics. The editors aren't trying to subvert the notion of economics—they accept the standard definition, but reject the notion that capitalism or central planning are acceptable ways to organize economic life. Contributors include Robin Hahnel, Iain McKay, Marie Trigona, Chris Spannos, Ernesto Aguilar, Uri Gordon, and more.

Queering Anarchism

Queering Anarchism
Title Queering Anarchism PDF eBook
Author Deric Shannon
Publisher AK Press
Pages 202
Release 2013-01-11
Genre Social Science
ISBN 184935121X

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“A much-needed collection that thinks through power, desire, and human liberation. These pieces are sure to raise the level of debate about sexuality, gender, and the ways that they tie in with struggles against our ruling institutions.”?Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Outlaw Woman “Against the austerity of straight politics, Queering Anarchism sketches the connections between gender mutiny, queer sexualities, and anti-authoritarian desires. Through embodied histories and incendiary critique, the contributors gathered here show how we must not stop at smashing the state; rather normativity itself is the enemy of all radical possibility.”—Eric A. Stanley, co-editor of Captive Genders What does it mean to "queer" the world around us? How does the radical refusal of the mainstream codification of GLBT identity as a new gender norm come into focus in the context of anarchist theory and practice? How do our notions of orientation inform our politics?and vice versa? Queering Anarchism brings together a diverse set of writings ranging from the deeply theoretical to the playfully personal that explore the possibilities of the concept of "queering," turning the dominant, and largely heteronormative, structures of belief and identity entirely inside out. Ranging in topic from the economy to disability, politics, social structures, sexual practice, interpersonal relationships, and beyond, the authors here suggest that queering might be more than a set of personal preferences?pointing toward the possibility of an entirely new way of viewing the world. Contributors include Jamie Heckert, Sandra Jeppesen, Ben Shepard, Ryan Conrad, Jerimarie Liesegang, Jason Lydon, Susan Song, Stephanie Grohmann, Liat Ben-Moshe, Anthony J. Nocella, A.J. Withers, and more. Deric Shannon, C.B. Daring, J. Rogue, and Abbey Volcano are anarchists and activists who work in a wide variety of radical, feminist, and queer communities across the United States.

Anarchist Economics

Anarchist Economics
Title Anarchist Economics PDF eBook
Author Fouad Sabry
Publisher One Billion Knowledgeable
Pages 378
Release 2024-01-13
Genre Business & Economics

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What is Anarchist Economics When it comes to economic activity, anarchist economics refers to the collection of theories and activities that are associated with the political theory of anarchism. It is common practice to refer to anarchism as a sort of libertarian socialism, which is a stateless form of socialism. A significant number of anarchists are anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist. Personal property is something that anarchists believe in and support. They are opposed to capital concentration, interest, monopoly, and private ownership of productive property, which includes the means of production, profit, rent, usury, and wage slavery. These are all components that are considered to be intrinsic to capitalism. How you will benefit (I) Insights, and validations about the following topics: Chapter 1: Anarchist economics Chapter 2: Anarcho-capitalism Chapter 3: Individualist anarchism Chapter 4: Anarchist communism Chapter 5: Anti-capitalism Chapter 6: Market anarchism Chapter 7: History of anarchism Chapter 8: Anarchism and capitalism Chapter 9: Mutualism (economic theory) Chapter 10: Issues in anarchism Chapter 11: Individualist anarchism in the United States Chapter 12: Carl Menger Chapter 13: Individualist anarchism in Europe Chapter 14: Free association of producers Chapter 15: Types of socialism Chapter 16: Benjamin Tucker Chapter 17: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Chapter 18: Market socialism Chapter 19: Classless society Chapter 20: Anarchist schools of thought Chapter 21: Collectivist anarchism (II) Answering the public top questions about anarchist economics. (III) Real world examples for the usage of anarchist economics in many fields. Who this book is for Professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who want to go beyond basic knowledge or information for any kind of anarchist economics.

Classic Writings in Anarchist Criminology

Classic Writings in Anarchist Criminology
Title Classic Writings in Anarchist Criminology PDF eBook
Author Anthony J. Nocella II
Publisher AK Press
Pages 258
Release 2020-05-12
Genre Social Science
ISBN 1849353808

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Anarchists were among the earliest modern thinkers to offer a systemic critique of criminal justice and among the first to directly criticize academic criminology while formulating a critical criminology. They identified the sources of social problems in social structures and relations of inequality and recognized that the institutions preferred by mainstream criminologists as would-be solutions to social problems were actually the causes or enablers of those harms in the first place. This volume collects critical writings on criminology from radicals and thinkers like William Godwin, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Mikahil Bakunin, Peter Kropotkin, Lucy Parsons, Emma Goldman, and many others.

The Machinery of Freedom

The Machinery of Freedom
Title The Machinery of Freedom PDF eBook
Author David D. Friedman
Pages 268
Release 1973
Genre Business & Economics

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The Value of Radical Theory

The Value of Radical Theory
Title The Value of Radical Theory PDF eBook
Author Wayne Price
Pages 0
Release 2013
Genre Anarchism
ISBN 9781939202017

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'The Value of Radical Theory' explains Marx's economic theory, providing the reader with a solid foundation of his critique on capitalism, and also offers insights and a framework where anarchists might learn aspects of Marxist theory while remaining anarchists. This erudite primer sidesteps the typical anarchist vs. Marxist debates, presenting Marx's theory as an enduring explanation of contemporary capitalism, one that will aid in the task of overcoming the market and ushering in an era of participatory control of the economy inspired by anarchist ethics.

Anarchist Economics

Anarchist Economics
Title Anarchist Economics PDF eBook
Pages 0
Release 2004
Genre Anarchism

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